Out of the Depths – Back on Task

It’s been a month since my last post, and I will admit, my fellow author tour hosting duties have been severely neglected. But I’ve had a lot of my plate. I didn’t realize how much ME time I needed until I hadn’t had enough.

Moving is hard. And with four kids in tow, it can get complicated. There’s new doctors to find, new dentists, and orthodontists, and insurance switching to do. School registrations, and homework, and sports, and well, weather. And sickness.  Everyone in my house has been sick with something. For most, its been sinus infections and bronchitis. All with antibiotics. For me, I had a sinus infection for almost four weeks. And did I tell anyone that I’m expecting MacKinnon kiddo number FIVE this summer? Yeah. We planned this one out well, didn’t we? *wink* Totally a planned deployment baby.


Having a sinus infection and not being able to do anything about it really kicks you in the butt. I was in bed for weeks. The house is 95% unpacked… there are just those few stragglers that I can’t put away because, well… we can’t find the hardware for the bookshelf, so I can’t put the numerous boxes of books away.  We also can’t find the hardware for the kitchen table. We haven’t been able to eat at a table for a MONTH. I wish my husband would just go to the store and buy new screws, you know? Sigh. There’s also that one box… you know the one… the one where all the crap goes that you don’t know where to put it. So it all goes in that one box. And just sits there until you either find a place for it, or get so tired of it that it all just goes in the trash.

Most of you may not know that in my daylight hours I also work as a Disney travel agent. I work from home, and most days it keeps me very busy. It doesn’t pay much, but I highly enjoy what I do. It’s very rewarding to see families have the trip of their lifetimes… and knowing…. yeah, I did that. 🙂 *grin*

I’ve finally gotten back on track with the writing. I’ve been really depressed after numerous Thanks but No Thanks emails, and plot holes, and feeling worthless as all my friend shoot by me on their awesome career paths. That is really hard to swallow sometimes, but I keep pushing through. My time will come, eventually. My first book should be coming out soon, I hope, and the second is almost finished. If you check out my tracker, I’m almost there. So freakin’ close. I hate my ending though, so that is making writing it all the harder.

So there you go… there’s me in a nutshell. Over worked, underpaid, with zero motivation. Time to get my ass in gear, I guess!  I can do this… right?